I’m happy to present you my brand new book: „Ionic 6 – Create awesome apps for iOS, Android, Desktop & Web“ is aimed at software developers who previously had little or nothing to do with programming apps or who had worked with other tools and frameworks and would like to build cool apps in an easy way.
The book spans from the idea of the popular app framework and its installation to the realization of a complete app including its publication on Apple App Store, Google Play, for Desktop by using Electron or as Progressive Web App (PWA).
Each of the twelve chapters is dedicated to its own aspect of Ionic. In the process, new functionalities are gradually being added to an initially simply designed tourism app called „BoB Tours“.
A bonus chapter gives a brief overview of how to use Ionic with React, Vue or no framework at all. In addition, the new features of Ionic 6.1 are presented.
At the end of this book, the reader not only knows the key features of Ionic, but has also understood how the whole works in context. He/She finally has the necessary knowledge to be able to develop his/her own awesome apps with Ionic.
A comprehensive introduction to Ionic on more than 500 pages.